The xrays for our new Riverside girl, now known as Stella, showed a shocking amount of shrapnel in her rear end. Her tail was so infected that she was trying to chew it off.
How could anyone be so cruel to repeatedly shoot her like this! Our surgeon had to remove the damaged portion of her tail and the bb's that where a serious concern to the surgeon. They are not able to remove all but believe she should live a full happy life once we get the serious problems fixed. We are continuing to monitor for lead toxicity and any other complications that could result from the trauma. *Update Dec 2016. Stella is living a full and happy life and is showing no signs of physical discomfort from the shrapnel. She is the official greeter at the dog park and is incredibly affectionate to everyone. She is a remarkable little husky.

Stella is now recuperating in foster care while we restore her spirit and health.